By Sophia
Photo by Ali Vasquez
Published 2007 "7 ORACLES, Prophecy and Tools for Empowerment
Thursday, November 24, Barbara Garcia is taking Starmerge on a Thanksgiving getaway to observe autumn, spend a thankful day at her favorite Mt. Palomar picnic ground and record the aftermath of the 2007 California Firestorms for reference files. Other areas to be recorded will include both Mesa Grande and La Jolla Indian Reservations. The psychic predicted the fires in Southern California over 7 years ago in 1998. It was significant to her because at that time she could not perceive when this disaster would take place, now that it has; she believes it to be an omen in her forecast of global events.
Although Barbara is still recuperating, she will participate in light hiking and plenty of food preparation on the night before. Being a long term vegetarian, the menu this year sounds delicious.
• Raw broccoli salad
• Pumpkin stuffed with wild rice dressing
• Baked sweet potatoes (no goop in this recipe)
• Cranberry, Orange relish
• Mashed potatoes with mitake mushroom gravy
• Desert is a special raw non-pumpkin, pumpkin pie ( it has carrot juice in it )
* Reggiano Lambrusco is lovely soft red table wine that will accent this vegetarian feast especially imported via Trader Joes from Le Grotte vineyards.
The history of visiting Mt. Palomar and the Indian Reservations on Thanksgiving Day goes back to her husband, Richard Garcia, who had been drawn to the areas since a child. In the year 1978 he found much more than he ever imagined on a brisk Thanksgiving Day hike along the forest path. There she was, the love of his life, sitting on a fallen Oak that crossed a rushing brook. She was in a deep meditation, she didn’t even know that the man she would marry was standing before her…or did she?
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
P.S. If you have any questions or if I can help you while Barbara is on leave, please feel free to leave a comment here or email me at: cnblue1@cox.net