By Luke Russell Broad
Why is it that news channels report all of the bad in the world but very little of the good? Why is it that newspapers compete for the most dramatic headline? Why is it that television programmes and films mostly involve murder, revenge, violence and depression? Why is it that soap operas increase their ratings by showing more dramatic storylines? Why is it that the mainstream media and television programming shows nothing that suggests you are a free, miraculous being of unconditional love that is connected with all that is? Why is it that the mainstream media and television programming does not highlight all of the healings that take place and all of the examples of love that people show one another in various ways? And why is it that the mainstream media and television programming does not acknowledge that we are powerful creators?
The mainstream media and television programming seem to only disempower people and it seems as though the masses are drawn to disempowerment. In other words, the masses are drawn to drama, depression, violence and chaos. This shows the general mindset of the masses. They are drawn to drama, depression, violence and chaos only because they have a mental programme that causes them to perceive reality in the way that they do. Their existing perception of reality perpetuates their existing mental programming and their mental programming perpetuates their perception of reality. This is the cycle. What are you drawn to? What is your perception of reality? Do you continuously see examples of unconditional love and unity, or of separateness and limitation? Whilst examples of separateness and limitation exist, there are far more examples of love and unity. But what you see more of depends on your mental programming.
In order to see something different, either in our lives or in the world, we must first believe in something different. This is where many people go wrong. The average person will say, "Show me something different and then I will believe in it" and so they do not see anything different because their mental programming has not changed. When we truly believe in something different, however, then we have changed our mental programming and we will see something different.
What this means is that in order to see more unconditional love, forgiveness, harmony, peace and unity in our lives and in the world, we must truly believe in unconditional love, forgiveness, harmony, peace and unity. And saying that you believe in something does not mean that you actually believe it. True belief is not expressed through words, it is expressed through a frequency. All emotion is expressed through a frequency and we all unconsciously pick up on one another's frequencies.
Studies in recent years have shown that the heart emits a frequency - a three hundred and sixty degree electromagnetic pulse. When we feel love, the heart's electromagnetic frequency is high. When we feel anger, the heart's electromagnetic frequency is low. Belief and unconditional love is a frequency in which we must learn to operate. When we operate in the frequency of unconditional love and belief, we will see things that match that frequency - we will see more examples of unconditional love and more reasons to believe.
The more people that operate within the frequency of unconditional love, belief and harmony, the more examples there will be of unconditional love and harmony and the more reasons there will be to believe. Imagine millions and millions of people worldwide operating in the frequency of unconditional love, belief and harmony. Imagine how much will change in the world. We can offer physical help to people in whatever way we can, but on a larger scale, we can help people and positively influence the world from wherever we are - we are that powerful and it's time that we start waking up to our true power. In reality, we can positively influence the world and help people simply by operating in a high frequency of unconditional love, belief and harmony and encouraging others to do the same.
So, the question to ask yourself is, "Am I ready to stop accepting the low frequency (the low consciousness) reality shown by the mainstream media and television programming and begin operating in a higher frequency (a higher consciousness) by believing in something different?" If you believe you are ready, then switch off your television set, stop reading the newspapers and start changing your belief system.
Click here: - uncover your unconscious limiting beliefs and transform them into empowering ones so that you naturally manifest preferred experiences. Also, discover why the Law of Attraction and the Law of Love are the same thing.
Article Source: [] The Love Frequency - Law of Attraction
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