By Ian G Scott
Numerology Calculation 2015
2015 = 2 + 1 + 5 = Universal year number 8
Secondary vibrations influencing this year - 215
Metaphysical Meaning of Number 8 for 2015
Power, Money and Karma with a strict focus on the balancing of these energies. Personal and global challenges, success and momentum are flowing traits of the number eight. Dexterity within the confines of one's own personal power, Intensity to maintain balance, Potency, Spiritual Consciousness. Abundance in all it's various forms including positive and negative. Self reliance, Justice and Stability.
Shift Of Energies 2015
The spiritual energies of the new year 2015 are linked to stability, perseverance, determination and self-belief. A truly powerful person will receive respect and trust from others through their steadfastness, honesty and integrity. Formidable energies of personal power rise to the surface this year, once we have tapped into our strengths and recognized our weaknesses, we will need to carefully direct them. Staying cautious not to let our emotions color our reasoning. Letting go of negative emotions, brings stability to be able to hold on to our truth.
Truth will always come out in the end and balance will always be restored, it is the divine nature of things. In order to effect positive change in ones life, we must first take full responsibility for the life we have created. If goodness, kindness, honor and right of action are at the forefront of our thinking we will naturally move into the universal flow of the number eight, harmony and abundance.
World Affairs Psychic Predictions
The Numerology for 2015 augers in a vibration of justice and balance but not without turmoil and extreme change. The first half of the year brings excessive wild weather globally, winds and dangerous tides to the east coast and far west coast of Australia and America. Japan also receives a bout from mother nature in the form of earth quakes and floods affecting nuclear power stations and major cities.
China will have a revolution on it's hands in late 2015 bringing about governmental changes on a grand scale. Russia will see a shift towards a softer more moralistic government with those in power losing favor.
The first eight months of 2015 will be focused on balance therefore igniting the necessary changes, the last four months of the year are focused on abundance and prosperity for those who chose right action as their guide for the first eight months of the year. In the end a strong successful year with notes of wisdom and harmony.
Psychic Medium Ian Scott has over 30 years experience, he teaches meditation and psychic development at Free New Age Spiritual magazine focusing on the shift of consciousness from one Power & Greed to one of Love & Honesty. With insights into Astrology, Druids, Psychic awareness, medium ship, meditation and much more. With over 120 years of combined Metaphysical experience we bring you Thrive on news.
Article Source: [] Numerology 2015 - Balanced Dominion
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