How to Consult a Psychic
By Barbara Garcia
Consulting and 'interviewing' a psychic is the foundation of an excellent reading. A good presentation of strategic questions is the best way of understanding your complicated situation and seeing it from the psychic’s perspective.
Like a search on a computer, it is how you ask the question that produces the desired results. Have an open mind and don’t expect a structured context of illustrated predictive analysis. A psychic consultant receives fragments of vital information pertaining to the subject matter. It is up to you to dissect and utilize the information in your associations.
Here are my suggestions for a good psychic reading.
Choose the right format. Most people prefer a face to face consultation. If out of the geographical location of your preferred psychic, a phone consultation serves well. If you live a great distance, you can inquire about an email consultation.
1. Face to face: If you have questions about particular people, have a photo, business card or something pertaining to the person in question available. Many psychics are capable of remote viewing a person with simply a name and location but it takes time and the information is limited. Have specific questions about the person ready. I like to present a general analysis of the person I am reading first and then go into their particular questions. In many circumstances, the initial general reading covers most of their questions. If you are contemplating business or legal ventures, bring in all related materials. Before predicting on specific questions I first troubleshoot the notes and records that are brought to my attention through a technique called Derma Optic Perception.
Record your reading. I personally have a habit of taking notes for my clients but suggest that people bring in their own recording device because note taking does not capture all the information that comes through. Nothing is worse than getting back from your psychic consultation and finding that you did not have your session recorded or accurately documented in notes.
Confirm the time and date in advance. I am always researching ways to offer clients a choice of consultation time slots to suit their needs and schedules due to everyday changes. I appreciate an email or phone reminder the day before your reading.
2. Phone Consultations: Your voice is the medium in which the psychic will use to lock on to your energy frequency. This form of psychic reading can be particularly efficient when you have sent the psychic a recent photo of yourself prior to your appointment. Also, a phone consultation cuts out travel time to and from the psychic’s place of business. Also, it is easier to find 20 or 30 minutes in your agenda but a face to face consultation requires at least an hour.
3. Email Consultations: With properly written questions, email readings are precise, specific and to the point. Most people think email readings are a bit unreliable in terms of depth and accuracy. This model does not work well for a conference. I personally use a remote viewing technique to conduct email readings and prefer a name and geographical location of my subject matter to be provided by my client.
During your consultation, psychic perceptions will flow rapidly with little encouragement. When this occurs, it is best to just listen. When the stream of information has slowed or stopped, go ahead and direct the psychic to your next question.
Psychics are just people like you. They do not enjoy being placed upon a pedestal nor do they prefer the category of weird or strange. Be as polite and courteous as you would like to be treated and you will have a wonderful, long term experience with the psychic of your choice.
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