Holiday Clutter Pitfalls
By Jeff Cohn
The holidays are full of love, family, giving, and joy. However, for many people the holidays also bring about chaos and stress. After (and even on) Thanksgiving, the holiday gift shopping count down begins. People go into a frenzy, rushing and searching to find the perfect gift for everyone. Then there is the task of decorating as well as holiday parties to plan. With all of this madness, it's no wonder people find themselves stressed and overwhelmed. Trying to cram everything within a month can be a tremendous task to take on, and with the to-do list growing by the minute, a person can easily let their home get out of control with clutter.
Holiday clutter pitfalls:
Decorations. Cold, dreary winters are repelled by the beautiful, sparkling lights and festive decorations blanketing many homes. Though these decorations may bring joy to passersby, as well as home owners, sometimes people own much more than necessary. Each year collections of decorations build up, but old items remain untouched. It is important to discard older, unused decorations as new ones are added to the collection in order to avoid strings of tangled lights, ornaments, and miscellaneous decorations piling up within the home's storage area.
Unwanted gifts. Giving and receiving gifts is a tradition that coincides with the holidays. Though people want to give, and receive, the perfect gift, this is not always the case. Many ugly sweaters, duplicate blankets, redundant home d�cor, and other various unsolicited gifts are accepted with a begrudging, fake smiles and faux words of gratitude but later thrown to the side in basements, attics, and anywhere out of sight and out of mind. Instead of leaving these items to pile up year after year, collecting dust these items can be donated to people who will appreciate them.
Holiday cards. Holiday cards are a wonderful way to send appreciation and good-will to friends and family, but they are also a great contributor to paper clutter. Nowadays, e-cards help limit this clutter. Any holiday cards received can also be used as decorations and then disposed of after the holiday season is over in order to minimize unnecessary clutter.
Baking and Food. Food is a large component of the holiday season. With many festive gatherings and even small gifts, cookies, candies, and other delicacies fill bellies and homes. For the bakers, chefs, and even recipients, cookie trays and Tupperware are gradually collected. Even leftovers can build up, taking valuable refrigerator space and possibly being pushed to the back to expire and remain unnoticed. Parting with duplicate cooking ware and untouched food is important in order to maintain cleanliness. For those who love being in the kitchen, refilling those trays with fresh baked items to pass along to someone is a wonderful way to remove clutter while bringing joy to others.
Visitors. Spending time with family and friends can be a fun time. When these individuals are staying over for a period of time, there may be some other dilemmas. If house guests aren't the cleanliest, the mess can add up. In households hosting gatherings, friends and family can make a mess during the festivities. Improperly disposed trash, as well as general mess, can accumulate. Setting boundaries and general house rules with visitors can help to limit disorder.
This time of year is supposed to be full of fun, good-will, quality time with friends and family, and bliss rather than a dreaded time. If a []substantial clutter concern is taking over the home and ruining the holiday spirit, professional cleaning services can alleviate the issue and save the day. Don't let clutter take over the holiday season; address the mess and eliminate the stress.
Jeffrey Cohn []Address Our Mess Services
Article Source: [] Holiday Clutter Pitfalls
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Thursday, November 12, 2015
This Year Thanksgiving 2015
This year Thanksgiving 2015 let us look back one hundred fifty two years to the first proclamation of Thanksgiving by President Abraham Lincoln and offer our sincere Thank You.
Washington, D.C.
October 3, 1863
By the President of the United States of America.
A Proclamation.
The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God. In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign States to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theatre of military conflict; while that theatre has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union. Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defence, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle or the ship; the axe has enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege and the battle-field; and the country, rejoicing in the consiousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by the whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquillity and Union.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this Third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Independence of the Unites States the Eighty-eighth.
By the President: Abraham Lincoln
William H. Seward,
Secretary of State
Secretary of State
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Autumn Leaves - Color Therapy for the Lower Chakras
Autumn is time for
getting grounded, and the changing colors of the leaves activate the chakras
which help us to do just that. Since color is an outward expression of the
vibrational frequencies which make up all things, color therapists use various
colors to activate the frequencies which help heal a person's body or inspire a
sense of well being and action. The person receiving the color therapy is
exposed to certain colors or is asked to surround themselves with the colors
(vibrational frequencies) they need. Often these correspond to the chakra
system, and the colors being used activate and strengthen the energy of the
chakras which fortify the body mind and spirit in specific ways. Isn't it great
that the "Master Color Therapist" has built this right into the
changing of the seasons, so we would have what we need in nature to nourish our
systems and work in harmony with the natural world.
The lower three chakras provide us with the life-force
energy to function effectively in the physical world, and autumn is the season
when we naturally turn our attention to the practical matters of the physical
world, to the reaping of what we have sown and preparing to go inward for the
winter months. This corresponds to the yellow of the solar plexus chakra, the
orange of the sacral chakra and the red of the root chakra. Here's how:
The solar plexus chakra, whose vibrational frequency is
interpreted as the color yellow, provides us with the energy to feel good about
what we do and act from a place of internal power. This is the time of year
when we begin to reflect on the fruits of our efforts; when we take stock of he
goals we are accomplishing and feel good, or make adjustments so that we can
feel good about them. That's why many people go back to school at this time or
take other actions to insure that they move toward their intended desires.
The sacral chakra, which is associated with the vibration of
orange, is the energy center of creation and manifestation. Anatomically it is
located in the same region as where babies are created and gestated. This
energy also fuels our other creations in life. Without it we wouldn't be able
to bring our dreams and desires into fruition. When related to the season of
autumn, the second chakra is the harvest chakra. It's vitality allows us to
materialize our desires in front of our eyes, much like when the seeds which
were sown in spring materialize into fruits and vegetables in the fall.
The root chakra, which vibrates at the frequency of the
color red, is our power center for getting "stuff" done. Its energy
is primal, related to survival and the rules which governed us eons ago when
our primary focus was finding shelter and getting the next meal. Nowadays most
of us take our basic needs for granted, but the fear which used to keep us safe
when we were more primitive, becomes an impediment to working with the root
chakra energy in the modern world. When fear takes over it often takes the form
of procrastination and immobilization. When you ignore or deny it, the symptoms
get worse, and the root chakra becomes more and more sluggish and unable to
support our ability to function in practical ways. In the recent Self-Healing
Circle we focused on this, and received valuable tools to work with fear and
mobilize the root chakra energy.
When a person is described as being "ungrounded",
they are often seen as being unable to focus and be productive. This is due to
the inability to access the qualities of life-force energy which are available
through the lower three chakras. Autumn is a time to regain that grounding by
walking in nature and absorbing the yellows, oranges and reds of the leaves on
the trees. If you are feeling ungrounded, go outside before the last leaf falls
and revitalize yourself with the color therapy nature has provided.
I am a coach, ordained minister and intuitive healer with
over 20 years experience in the healing and helping professions. Contact me for
a complimentary coaching session to explore your goals and move forward on your
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Is It Possible For a Ghost to Hurt You?
The idea of seeing a ghost appeals to many people and this urge to have a close encounter with the supernatural is why ghost tours and paranormal investigations are so popular. But the idea that a ghost could cause actual harm to someone, to hurt them, is something that most people don't consider when attending one of these events. The truth is that for the vast majority of time, a ghost can't hurt you - but there are always exceptions to the rule.
Ghost basics
Paranormal experts have categorised most ghosts as falling into two categories based on their behaviour. The most common form of ghost is what is called a residual haunting and is a little like a paranormal video recording that is on a playback loop - the ghost appears, goes through a routine then vanishes. This can be anything such as appearing at the top of the stairs, walking down the stairs then vanishing through a wall where a door once was or even something as simple as appearing at a window, staring out heartbroken for a moment then vanishing. There are lots of ideas how these ghosts come to be but one that has gained much credibility is that the buildings themselves are recording these ghosts and playing them back, acting like a tape recorder. There are no accounts of this type of ghost hurting anyone or even interacting with them in any way.
The second most common type of ghost is a visitation. This can be from a loved one who has died and are saying goodbye, or can't leave this reality. This can also be the types of ghost that appear at will and interact with their environment - these ghosts seem to think, in some way, and be aware of the living in the way a residual haunting isn't. While there is little evidence of this type of ghost hurting anyone, they can inadvertently cause hurt through their appearance or actions. There are the odd report of this type of ghost being able to have a small influence on the material world, with changes in temperature in a small area, scratches on people's bodies and such but nothing serious or life threatening.
The exception to this rule is the unknown entity we know as a poltergeist. Many people have written on the subject and we are no further forward in the understanding of these so called 'noisy spirits' but if there is a ghost or supernatural creature that can hurt you, this is it. Luckily, the chance of encountering a poltergeist is extremely small and it is for this reason that they tend to make such headlines - their antics are spectacular, often hurting people and breaking items around the house and are often well documented. Unfortunately they are also the easiest to fake because the results of the spirit are seen, not the spirit itself.
The behaviour factor
The single most common way that a ghost can hurt you is from your own reactions. You become scared, turn and run then fall over something or you rush blindly away from the ghost and take a tumble. The worst-case scenario is that people can be literally frightened to death but this isn't the ghost's fault but comes from our reactions to what we see. People who don't believe in 'that nonsense' are perhaps more at risk from this than anyone because being presented with the reality that you firmly don't believe in can be even scarier than for those who think it is possible.
So the answer is yes a ghost can hurt you - if you allow it to but in the vast majority of cases, you will come off no worse from a ghostly encounter than you would from watching a scary movie. You may get a real fright and trip over your feet but the worst thing liable to happen when you encounter a ghost is that you end up screaming like a kid and running away!
For more information on types of ghosts and hauntings as well as much more please see my blog at
Article Source: [] Is It Possible For a Ghost to Hurt You?
Monday, July 06, 2015
Supernatural Reality:What Did Swedenborg Say About It?
By Stephen Russell-Lacy
The word 'supernatural' implies miracles can happen and supernatural beings can intervene to break the laws of nature. Supernatural belief goes back centuries e.g. the worship of Neptune and Apollo by the ancient Greeks. Most scientists regard it delusional to think that the rules of nature can be violated by supernatural beings.
And so we tend not to believe in ghosts, and demons, which have not been proven to exist. And we are sceptical of psychics who claim secret knowledge unknown to science or of magicians who say they use occult powers.
Also these days we rightly dismiss a traditional image of God, as a supernatural figure - an old man sitting in the clouds determining everything in the universe and condemning wrongdoers to the torments of hell.
Question about the supernatural
So is there no supernatural reality behind how things appear? Are there no higher forces within the cosmos that science cannot observe? Was Shakespeare's Hamlet wrong to say "there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy'?
The paranormal and the supernatural
In the classic bestseller 'Supernature', biologist Lyall Watson astonished his readers by describing the paranormal wonders of nature. Take what he says about smell. He describes the ability of salmons to return across thousands of miles of ocean to the same rivers and streams in which they hatched. The gift of eels in recognising a thimbleful of rose scent diluted in a lake covering fourteen thousand square miles. And the talent of male moths in detecting the presence of a female of their species as much as thirty miles away.
He wrote:
"Supernature could become something really supernatural"
Transcendence and the supernatural
You may be unsure about any supernatural reality but be interested in a transcendent dimension to life. Perhaps you recognise there is a deeper aspect of experience involving higher values and principles, such as those to do with feeling humane compassion, having integrity of conduct, and finding meaning and purpose to life. There is a common idea growing that transcendence is possible without its traditional supernatural trappings.
Alternative views of reality
So what is an up-to-date view of reality and the supernatural?
It used to be thought that there are only four possible answers to the question about what is real.
Only conscious ideas are real and material things are illusory (Idealism).
Only material things are real and conscious ideas are merely a by-product having no independent reality (Materialism)
Both conscious ideas and material things are equally real but they exist in different realms of reality which do not influence each other. (Dualism)
There is no difference between conscious ideas and material things as they are equally part of the same one reality. (Monism)
Swedenborg's holistic view of reality
Spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg's position is a kind of holism. It has been seen as saying that all four of the above answers are correct except in what they deny about reality. Conscious ideas are real and enduring as the idealists said. For Swedenborg they are part of the reality he called the 'spiritual world' which includes thoughts, feelings, motives and values.
Material things are also real as the materialists said. He refers to them as the 'natural world'.
So for him both conscious ideas and material things are real, as the dualists thought, but instead he said they are not disconnected. Every material thing corresponds to some aspect of the realm of conscious mind: the source of both consciousness and material things being a transcendent reality of love and wisdom. For example when I consciously feel affection this is likely to show automatically in my facial expression.
New concept of the supernatural
I would like to suggest that just because there are psychic and spiritual phenomena not easily measurable by science, it does not mean that such things defy the laws of nature: in other words that transcendence is made possible by a new rather than outmoded concept of what is supernatural.
In rejecting an obsolete supernatural idea of God, is there not a danger of turning one's back on the possibility of a divine force for good in the universe? This would be like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Forgetting about a mysterious power that can create a better level of heart and mind present within your soul, and that acts as a divine source of humane love and wisdom in which spiritually-minded people can put their trust?
New concept of a supernatural divine being
Swedenborg challenged the old notion of a God who controls everything in our world. Instead his idea of God is one who gives power to people to choose for themselves how they live their lives rather than interfering to get his own way. This is like a loving parent who allows the growing children to make mistakes in order to learn the lessons of life. His idea of God is therefore one who allows us inner freedom over what we intend even if this means us at times creating our own unhappiness. We can do this it seems by rebelling against our inner conscience and falling into the disorderly ways of our times.
At the same time Swedenborg maintains that the Divine Being provides everyone with countless good impulses and opportunities and this can help compensate for their foolhardiness. This is a God of compassion who wants every one to be deeply happy but who knows this is not possible when people allow themselves to be infected by selfish desire. According to this view, it is not a supernatural being but rather each person living a life of crime and corruption who is responsible for adding to the social evils of our day.
"God exists in all time independently of time and in all space independently of space... Nature and its time and space had to have a beginning; God, who exists apart from time and space, did not. " (Emanuel Swedenborg, spiritual philosopher)
As a clinical psychologist, Stephen Russell-Lacy has specialised in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy, working for many years with adults suffering distress and disturbance.
He edits []Spiritual Questions a free eZine that explores links between spiritual philosophy and the comments and questions of spiritual seekers. You can share your views and find out more about making sense of life.
His eBook []Heart, Head and Hands draws links between the psycho-spiritual teachings of the eighteenth century spiritual philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg and current ideas in therapy and psychology.
Article Source: [] Supernatural Reality: What Did Swedenborg Say About It?
Thursday, May 21, 2015
A Stellar Clump Long Ago And Far Away
By Judith E Braffman-Miller
It is now generally agreed that the Universe was likely born in the hot Big Bang almost 14 billion years ago--and in only the tiniest fraction of a second after its birth, quantum fluctuations were blown up to macroscopic scales as the result of a short burst of exponential growth called inflation. Inflation was responsible for the remarkable degree of homogeneity observed in the early Universe, as well as for the small amount of structure present at that very ancient time. In astronomy, long ago is the same as far away. The more distant a shining celestial object is in Space, the more ancient it is in Time. When the Universe was a mere baby at only 3 billion years of age, the galactic structures that then existed possessed very different properties than those they show today. In May 2015, a team of astronomers announced their remarkable discovery of a newborn massive star-forming clump in the disk of an ancient galaxy long ago and far, far away!
The giant star-forming clump is less than 10 million years old, and it is the very first time that such a neonatal star-forming region has been observed. This important discovery sheds new light on how stars were born within distant, ancient galaxies, and the physical properties displayed by this primordial object show that very young clumps in such galaxies survive as a result of stellar winds and supernova feedback. The clumps can "live" for a few hundred million years, and this weakens the predictions of several theoretical models. The stellar clumps' long "lifetimes" could facilitate their migration toward the inner domain of their host galaxies, thus contributing to the total mass of the galactic bulge and the growth of its central black hole. The results are published in the May 7, 2015 issue of the journal Nature, under the title An extremely young massive clump forming by gravitational collapse in a primordial galaxy.
The galaxies that inhabited the ancient Universe had more irregular shapes than modern galaxies, and their disks were considerably more gas-rich. Astronomers realize that ancient galaxies gave birth to fiery, brilliant baby stars far more rapidly than their modern counterparts, and that stellar birth occurred within enormous, considerably more massive, and luminous star-forming regions than those commonly seen in local galaxies today. However, the way that these enormous stellar clumps formed is not well understood, and their mysterious evolution throughout the long and complicated history of the Universe is still a subject of hot debate. In order to shed light on these important issues, a team of French astronomers carried out their own observations using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in its imaging and spectroscopic mode, and the Subaru telescope (in spectroscopic mode) installed in Hawaii. The apparent faintness of the very distant, ancient galaxies demands the use of extremely powerful observing facilities. The astronomers discovered the signature of the giant clump composed of a population of brilliantly luminous baby stars, and caught them while they were still in the process of stellar birth, within a remote galaxy located at a distance of 11 billion light years from Earth.
As part of this observing campaign, carried out with HST and the Subaru Telescope, researchers from the Service d'Astrophysique-Laboratoire AIM of the Institute of Research into the Fundamental Laws of the Universe, CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), led by Dr. Anita Zanella, discovered the first cry of this massive star-birthing clump.
The clump is less than 10 million years old, and has not yet evolved sufficiently for its constituent stars to be directly observed. Therefore, its detection came as the happy result of the radiation emitted from the gas being ionized by these brilliant baby stars. This enormous star-forming clump has a gas mass that is approximately equal to one billion times that of our Star, the Sun. Giving birth to its fiery baby stars at a rate of 30 solar-masses per year, it contributes as much as half of the total star formation of its host galaxy. In addition, its growth rate in mass and its efficiency in converting molecular gas into new baby stars are 10 times greater than the typical values observed at this particular epoch of the Universe's history. This observation confirms the presence of a gigantic burst of star-formation in this region.
Long Ago And Far. Far Away!
Most scientists think that the Universe started out as an unimaginably tiny Patch, that was even smaller than a proton, and then--in the tiniest fraction of a second--expanded exponentially to achieve macroscopic size. As small as that unbelievably tiny Patch was, it was so extremely hot and dense that literally everything that we are and all that we ever will know, emerged from it. Something, scientists have not as yet determined what, made that exquisitely tiny Patch experience runaway inflation.
Although proof of the period of inflation has not yet been detected, recent observations and measurements suggest that it is the most probable explanation (currently being considered) that could have caused our Universe to evolve in the way that it apparently has. In the smallest fraction of a second, inflation is believed to have blown up like a magnificent balloon or bubble every region of our Patch of space by a factor of at least 10 to the 27th power. Before inflation caused our Patch to experience this runaway expansion, the region of the Universe that we can observe today--the visible or observable Universe--was a featureless, smooth little tidbit much tinier than an elementary particle. At this time, our Universe was a stew--more precisely a plasma--of elementary particles. Fast-moving photons (particles of light) slowly but surely lost energy and slowed down (cooled off) as the Universe continued to expand. The energy showered into this expansion. In the almost 14 billion years after inflation, our Universe has expanded by another factor of 10 to the 27th power.
Following on the heels of this early period of exponential expansion was a more gradual, normal evolution during which the Universe continued to expand and cool off. During this cooling phase, the very first protons and neutrons (atomic nuclei) condensed out of the strange stew, and then the lightest of all atomic elements hydrogen, helium, and beryllium froze out. When the Universe was at last 400,000 years old, it had cooled off to the point that the ambient photons in the Universe were no longer sufficiently energetic to keep the hydrogen ionized. This caused one of the first great phase transitions in the state of elemental hydrogen during our Universe's history. Hydrogen, which up to this point existed in the fully ionized form as free protons, recombined with the available electrons to create neutral hydrogen. Simultaneously, the ambient radiation--now at too low energy to ionize hydrogen--was able to dance freely away to wander through the ancient Universe. This tattle-tale background radiation was with us at the beginning, and is with us still. It is much, much colder now, but it provides us with one of the first and strongest pieces of evidence for the existence of the hot Big Bang. This era has earned the title of recombination. Ionization refers to the process by which an atom or molecule acquires a positive or negative charge by gaining or losing electrons to form ions. Ionization usually goes along with other chemical changes.
The mysterious birth of stars and galaxies brought about several important alterations in the rapidly evolving ancient Universe. For one thing, the most ancient generation of stars gave the Universe its very first source of elements heavier than beryillium. Even though conditions in the Universe's earliest era were not suitable for the production of the heavier elements--all elements heavier than helium are metals in the terminology astronomers use--such elements could readily be manufactured in the nuclear-fusing cores of massive stars that progressively fused heavier and heavier atomic elements out of lighter ones--and then later blasted this freshly manufactured batch of heavier elements out into space when they exploded as supernovae. The second important alteration caused by the first generation of stars was the introduction of high-energy photons into the Universe. The last time that the Universe had contained such high-energy photons was during the first 400,000 years of its existence, when it was still searing-hot and hydrogen still existed in an ionized state.
These extremely high-energy photons began what is thought to have been a lengthy process whereby hydrogen in the Universe was reionized. This period of reionization likely started several hundred million years after the Big Bang and concluded about 600 million years later. Scientists are very interested in gaining an understanding of the properties of the first galaxies because they probably played a starring role in this profound drama.
The first generation of small galaxies was probably already in existence 400 million years after the Big Bang. Following this initial phase of galactic birth, galaxies then experienced an extended phase of merging and coalescing with other galaxies--whereby they grew from several thousand solar-masses to billions of solar-masses. This buildup process continued until the Universe was approximately two billion years old. Then, as the result of some still undetermined feedback process--commonly speculated to be active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback--it is thought that this buildup at last stopped, and gas accretion and star formation within the most massive galaxies halted--and galaxies went on to experience a very different form of evolution. This type of galactic evolution continues on to the present day.
What is really out there? What is it made of? Without this knowledge, it is not possible to arrive at any real conclusions about how the Universe evolved.
A Stellar Clump Long Ago And Far, Far Away
In order to supplement the interpretion of their unprecedented results, Dr. Zanella and her team also developed a set of hydrodynamical simulations at very high resolution using the supercomputer of the Tres Grand Centre de Calcul of CEA and the Grand equipement national de calculis purpose (GENCI). GENCI's purpose is to implement and ensure the coordination of the major equipment of the French high-performance computing centers by providing funding and by assuming ownership.
Dr. Zanella and her team's simulations reveal that gas-rich galaxies, gravitational instabilities, and turbulence within the interstellar medium caused the gas to fragment and collapse. This resulted in the birth of a myriad of sparkling, fiery baby stars, concentrated in regions whose size could have extended as much as several hundred light-years. Secreted within these stellar clumps, the rapid star-birthing process experienced a dramatic increase during the very first few million years. The star-birthing efficiency in these regions was also larger than the typical value measured at galactic scales. After approximately 15 million years, the feedback and ferocious stellar winds rushing out from the baby massive stars and the explosion of the first supernovae blasts became powerful enough to counterbalance the gravitational collapse of the gas. Therefore, star-birth gradually declined, while still maintaining an efficiency higher than that characterizing the other disk regions.
This discovery of a very young star-birthing clump in a distant, ancient galaxy has important implications for the understanding of galactic formation on cosmological scales. The massive, baby clump discovered by the astronomers of CEA reveals rare physical attributes, only observable during the approximately 15 million years after the gravitational collapse of the gas and the formation of such concentrations of fiery, new stars. Among the 60 galaxies observed as part of this study, it is the only object displaying such characteristics. Giant clumps seen in the other distant, ancient galaxies correspond with much more evolved stellar regions. Therefore, the rarity of the phenomenon observed in this study suggests that the "lifetime" of such clumps in the distant Universe could extend to at least 500 million years. This newly derived constraint excludes certain theoretical scenarios that predict the rapid disruption of the giant star-birthing clumps due to their rapid destruction by the feedback and action of the rushing winds originating from newborn stars, and it strengthens the idea that these enormous clumps can survive long enough to evolve within the galactic disk where they were born. They then could travel inward to the core of the galaxy, and play a starring role in the growth of both its bulge and its central supermassive black hole.
In order for scientists to properly describe the role that these giant clumps play in galactic evolution, an even more precise determination of their physical properties must be made--such as their dynamical mass and size. Increasing the statistical sample of such young star-birthing regions will also be an important part of the upcoming work led by this research group. In particular, such studies will require the use of observing facilities like the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) network of radio telescopes installed in northern Chile, as well as the James Webb Space Telesope (JWST) whose launch is scheduled for the end of 2018.
Judith E. Braffman-Miller is a writer and astronomer whose articles have been published since 1981 in various magazines, newspapers, and journals. Although she has written on a variety of topics, she particularly loves writing about astronomy because it gives her the opportunity to communicate to others the many wonders of her field. Her first book, "Wisps, Ashes, and Smoke," will be published soon.
Article Source: [] A Stellar Clump Long Ago And Far Away
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
Numerology Calculation 2015 - Balanced Dominion
By Ian G Scott
Numerology Calculation 2015
2015 = 2 + 1 + 5 = Universal year number 8
Secondary vibrations influencing this year - 215
Metaphysical Meaning of Number 8 for 2015
Power, Money and Karma with a strict focus on the balancing of these energies. Personal and global challenges, success and momentum are flowing traits of the number eight. Dexterity within the confines of one's own personal power, Intensity to maintain balance, Potency, Spiritual Consciousness. Abundance in all it's various forms including positive and negative. Self reliance, Justice and Stability.
Shift Of Energies 2015
The spiritual energies of the new year 2015 are linked to stability, perseverance, determination and self-belief. A truly powerful person will receive respect and trust from others through their steadfastness, honesty and integrity. Formidable energies of personal power rise to the surface this year, once we have tapped into our strengths and recognized our weaknesses, we will need to carefully direct them. Staying cautious not to let our emotions color our reasoning. Letting go of negative emotions, brings stability to be able to hold on to our truth.
Truth will always come out in the end and balance will always be restored, it is the divine nature of things. In order to effect positive change in ones life, we must first take full responsibility for the life we have created. If goodness, kindness, honor and right of action are at the forefront of our thinking we will naturally move into the universal flow of the number eight, harmony and abundance.
World Affairs Psychic Predictions
The Numerology for 2015 augers in a vibration of justice and balance but not without turmoil and extreme change. The first half of the year brings excessive wild weather globally, winds and dangerous tides to the east coast and far west coast of Australia and America. Japan also receives a bout from mother nature in the form of earth quakes and floods affecting nuclear power stations and major cities.
China will have a revolution on it's hands in late 2015 bringing about governmental changes on a grand scale. Russia will see a shift towards a softer more moralistic government with those in power losing favor.
The first eight months of 2015 will be focused on balance therefore igniting the necessary changes, the last four months of the year are focused on abundance and prosperity for those who chose right action as their guide for the first eight months of the year. In the end a strong successful year with notes of wisdom and harmony.
Psychic Medium Ian Scott has over 30 years experience, he teaches meditation and psychic development at Free New Age Spiritual magazine focusing on the shift of consciousness from one Power & Greed to one of Love & Honesty. With insights into Astrology, Druids, Psychic awareness, medium ship, meditation and much more. With over 120 years of combined Metaphysical experience we bring you Thrive on news.
Article Source: [] Numerology 2015 - Balanced Dominion
Sunday, February 01, 2015
The Rock With Wings: An Ancient UFO Event?
By John Prytz
Chariots seem to be associated with the 'gods' because of the popularity of Erich von Daniken's book title (when translated into English) "Chariots of the Gods". But there's no actual index entry for "chariots" in that book. So, did the 'gods' and maybe their passengers ride in aerial chariots or equivalent? A quick scan of the mythological literature says "yes"! A partial list of the Greek 'gods' or demigods (or demi goddesses) who rode in (UFO) chariots (or equivalent) include Zeus, Hercules, Helios, Apollo, Hades, Triptolemus, and Medea. From Norse mythology, we have Thor and Freyja riding along in their chariots. Aerial chariots figure prominently in Indo-Iranian mythology, and they also play an important part in Hindu and Persian mythology as well, with most of the gods of their pantheon portrayed as riding in them. In ancient times what were aerial chariots pulled by various beasties with the 'gods' as pilots or passengers, are, in modern times, UFOs with their extraterrestrial pilots and crew. The American Indian culture, the Navajos may not have a UFO chariot per say, but they do have a UFO "rock with wings".
Ship Rock (or Shiprock, also called in native Navajo 'Tse Bit'a'i' or the 'Rock with Wings' aka 'winged rock') is a 12 million year old standalone monolithic mountain, an eroded volcanic plume, situated in New Mexico close to the four corners area where NW New Mexico, NE Arizona, SE Utah, and SW Colorado touch. While it's nearly 7,200 feet above sea level (peak elevation), from the ground up (standing on a high desert plain), it's nearly 1,600 feet high. It's situated on Native American Navajo land, situated in the bullseye of the ancient Pueblo peoples that prehistoric Native American culture are often referred to as the Anasazi. The Navajo's have high historical and religious reverence for the mountain. It features prominently in their traditional religious and mythological culture, and as a sacred site, the natives have, since 1970, closed the mountain off to the public which used to be popular with rock climbers, etc.
The main belief of the Navajos centering around Ship Rock (and it looks a bit like an old Clipper sailing ship of yore but sailing in a sea of sand) is that it's what's left, the remains, of their 'great bird of deliverance'. According to their legends, once upon a time, a long time ago, their ancestors were facing a hostile tribe further north, and not wishing to go head-to-head with these warmongers, their high priest(s), or shaman(s), asked their Great Spirit in the sky for assistance. The Great Spirit sent down this great bird which took them southwards to what Americans today call Ship Rock. The Navajos were saved from their enemies, and they lived long and prospered - well prospered as well as any Native American tribe could be expected under the thumb of the European invaders.
Now if the Navajo were forced to flee and migrate southwards from hostile forces, you'd think their mythology would be something akin to the ancient Greek's "Odyssey" or the quest for the Golden Fleece - a tale of a long journey, elusive goals, many dangers and hardships, and eventual success - not flying through the air without a care in the world. Or, if they didn't have any migration south at all, then there's no need for such a 'winged rock' tale, rather some other 'how did we get to Ship Rock' origin myth, like the Great Spirit breathing life into some of the rocks or moulding cacti or tumbleweeds into human beings - the Navajo. But if your Great Spirit is a 'god' that's really an extraterrestrial; and your 'rock with wings' what we'd call today a UFO, or in ancient astronaut terminology a 'flying chariot', then the myth, as related, has some logical foundation in reality. And if you are a rather unsophisticated Native American when it comes to extraterrestrial technology, what else are you going to call a UFO but a 'flying rock' or a 'rock with wings' or a 'winged rock' or a 'big bird'? The Navajos, in other legends, have associated Ship Rock with the presence of 'Bird Monsters' that feed on human flesh. I wonder if that could be a garbled tale of UFO abduction.
Now presumably this travelogue tale isn't the fabrication of one person, shaman or otherwise, since there were many native Navajos who must have been alleged participants in the journey who could contradict the myth - if it was a myth of course. That fact that the Navajo consider Ship Rock a sacred site, off-limits to rock climbers and tourists, well they clearly consider this part of their mythology to be a Big Deal. In fact the mountain is a place of pilgrimage for their peoples, especially young men on quests for solitary 'visions' that's part of their traditional culture.
Science librarian; retired.
Article Source: [] Tse Bit'A'I: The Rock With Wings: An Ancient UFO Event?
Thursday, January 01, 2015
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